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» ICDC: International Committee for Democracy in Cuba

» icdcprague.org

PIN publishes bulletin on Cuba-Europe relations

2006-06-15 / Nikola Horejs

People in Need published the first issue of a quarterly bulletin dedicated to relations between Cuba and Europe. The publication entitled Cuba-Europe Dialogues intends to provide forum for Europeans supporting civic society and defending human rights in Cuba.

There is a great deal of interaction occurring between Cubans and Europeans, even though Cuban regime claims to be the only partner for any cooperation. Numerous European non-governmental organizations work with Cuban partners, travel to Cuba, and endeavor to support its civic society. The bulletin presents a forum upon which the knowledge resulting from these activities may be shared between these organizations. We strive to demonstrate that, as many sectors of society are currently engaged in this dialogue, it is vital that each one be taken into account and given attention.

The bulletin is not intended to replace the broad spectrum of Cuban independent journalism, magazines, and political essays. Rather, it provides information about such events from the perspective of Europeans working with Cuban civic society and shows that human rights in Cuba should be a concern for EU.

The first issue which compares EU Common Policy towards Cuba with record of human rights violations of the Castro’s regime can be obtained from People in Need in Prague or downloaded in Spanish and English.

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This project is supported by funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the Transition Promotion Program.