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» ICDC: International Committee for Democracy in Cuba

» icdcprague.org

Dissident Héctor Palacios Ruiz released from prison

2006-12-07 / Pauline Boyer

Héctor Palacios, member and leader of various Cuban opposition groups, was released on 6 December for health reasons, after 3 years and 9 months behind bars. Detained with 74 other dissidents during 2003’s Black Spring, Héctor Palacios had been sentenced to 25 years imprisonment.

His early release is most likely due to the government’s fear of international reactions should a prisoner of conscience die in jail. Palacios confirmed that the health of many prisoners has deteriorated due to the conditions in Cuban cells. Furthermore, his release should not overshadow the fact that the regime is putting increasing pressure on dissidents, arresting recently two more journalists, of whom only one was finally released.

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This project is supported by funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the Transition Promotion Program.