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» ICDC: International Committee for Democracy in Cuba

» icdcprague.org

Meeting of youth leaders in Mexico

Name: Meeting of youth leaders in Mexico
Author: CADAL
Description: Press conference before the opening of the event, with the participation of the former president of Uruguay, Luis Alberto Lacalle, and many youth leaders from Latin America.

Name: Meeting of youth leaders in Mexico
Author: CADAL
Description: Carlos Gonzalez, People In Need, Hernán Alberro - Senior Program Officer of CADAL, Czech MP Marek Benda and Gastón Taquini, leader of the Democratic Party of Mendoza.

Name: Meeting of youth leaders in Mexico
Author: CADAL
Description: After the presentation of the Havana Memorandum.

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This project is supported by funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the Transition Promotion Program.