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» ICDC: International Committee for Democracy in Cuba

» icdcprague.org

ICDC conference - Brussels 2006

Name: ICDC conference - Brussels 2006
Author: PIN
Description: ICDC member and the former president of Uruguay Luis Alberto Lacalle speaks at the ICDC conference in Brussels entitled 'Europe for Cuba: the New Policy of the EU and its Member States towards Cuba'.

Name: ICDC conference - Brussels 2006
Author: PIN
Description: Speakers during the ICDC conference (r-l): Blanca Reyes (representative of Damas de Blanco, Spain), Arnold Vaatz (ICDC member and German MP), Carlos Alberto Montaner (Cuban Liberal Union, Spain), Igor Blazevic (People in Need, Czech Republic) and Liduine Zumpolle (Cuba Futuro, Netherlands).

Name: ICDC conference - Brussels 2006
Author: PIN
Description: Participants take part in the ICDC conference in Brussels focused on Common EU Policy towards Cuba.

Name: ICDC conference - Brussels 2006
Author: PIN
Description: Speakers during the ICDC conference (r-l): Igor Blazevic (PIN, Czech Republic), Vaclav Havel (ICDC member and former president, Czech Republic) and Vytautas Landsbergis (ICDC member and former head of state, Lithuania)

Name: ICDC conference - Brussels 2006
Author: PIN
Description: ICDC member and the EPP-ED spokesman on Human Rights in Cuba Jose Ribeiro e Castro speaks during the ICDC conference.

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This project is supported by funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the Transition Promotion Program.