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» ICDC: International Committee for Democracy in Cuba

» icdcprague.org

Nobel Prize

In June 2002 we launched the campaign to nominate the Cuban dissident Oswaldo Payá Sardinas for the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize, after a proposal made by the Czech President, Vaclav Havel. Since then, and during the time that his nomination lasted, Payá received the support of hundreds of presidents, politicians and intelectuals from America, Europe and Asia. The subsequent nomination of Paya for the 2004 Nobel Peace Prize was again met with extensive international support. The nomination of Payá, and subsequently those of other Cuban activists, has become a permantent project of our organization. With the campaign for Payá, we have not only stated our solidarity with a person that is firmly committed to the fight for Human Rights, but we have also expressed our support for the Varela Project, a petition that includes a referendum aiming to increase political liberty for Cubans.

As a result of the success of previous campaigns, the nomination for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize was extended to include independent journalist and former political prisoner Raúl Rivero, and political prisoner and human rights activist Elias Biscet. This decision was taken so as to extend recognition of those working for human rights in Cuba and to extend international awareness of their activities. In addition to recognizing the work of Mr Payá, Mr Rivero and Mr Biscet, the nomination also demonstrated support for the entire Cuban democratic movement, and helped raise international awareness of the situation in Cuba.

We would like to thank all those that believed in the nominations of Oswaldo Payá, Raúl Rivero and Elias Biscet and extend special thanks to those that made this campaign possible. We are convinced that your support is a strong incentive for internal oppositionists to continue in their fight for liberty and democracy in Cuba.

Tomas Pojar
People In Need

Support for Pay'as Nomination to the Nobel Peace Prize

Note: The positions of those signing below correspond to the date in which they delivered their letter of support; their current position might be different than the stated in this list. All signatures were collected by the People in Need Foundation, Czech Republic; by the Cuban Democratic Directory, USA, and by Francisco De Armas, MCL Puerto Rico.


This project is supported by funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the Transition Promotion Program.