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» ICDC: International Committee for Democracy in Cuba

» icdcprague.org

Homo Homini Award: Oswaldo Paya Sardinas

Homo Homini

Oswaldo Paya Sardinas (47) was awarded the 1999 Homo Homini prize for his work in promoting civic and religious freedoms and democratic reforms in Cuba. In the 1980s, Paya Sardinas emerged as one of the leading figures in Cuba's opposition Christian movement. In the 1990s he founded the Movimiento Cristiano Liberacion (MCL), which seeks a peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba through community-based action. Because of his activities, Mr. Paya Sardinas has faced persecution by Cuba's state authorities, including detentions and interrogations as well as seeing his home repeatedly ransacked by "unknown" street gangs. The Homo Homini award was presented to Mr. Paya Sardinas at his home in Havana by Czech Senator Michael Zantovsky as an expression of support not only for his circle of dissidents but for Cuba's entire opposition movement as well.


This project is supported by funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic through the Transition Promotion Program.